
Myra's Story Chapter 8

Deviation Actions

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Myra watched Airachnid and Starscream fly from the hanger, a neutral look on her face as she watched the duo fly away. Once they were out of sight she returned to the lab and began reading a datapad concerning Airachnid and Starscream.

"What are you up to now?" Knockout asked with his sultry voice.

She smirked and continued to read as she replied.

"Looking up information about that femme." She said.

Knockout walked over to her and peered at the datapad.

"Hmmm an interesting choice in literature." he mused.

"I'm doing as any wise mind would." She purred.

"Gaining an insight at my superiors for…informational purposes."

Knockout raised an optic ridge as he interpreted any hidden meanings.

"I would keep your insight to a common knowledge, we would not want anybot getting the wrong idea about your endeavors." He said, a mild warning in his tone.

She smirked as she continued to read.

"Now what would you be talking about, Knockout? Are you suggesting I am investigating for something other than insight?" she mused, looking up from her datapad and giving him a cool look.

Knockout looked her over for a moment before huffing and turning back to his data charts.

Myra smirked and shifted to a more comfortable position as she continued to read, her mind multytasking as she read the data and milled over Knockouts behavior.

She had the feeling he was suggesting she might be attempting to pursue a path not unlike that of Starscream or currently Airachnid. She knew he was being rediculous, she had no plans to overthrow anybot onboard this vessel, only to escape the boredom of being a mechanics daughter, and to further her own personal goals.

She read both Decepticon's information and smiled, apparently the bug had a rather negative encounter with the Autobot Arcee and was currently locked in a grudge match.

Starscream looked to have been in great power for eons, a great many eons. She read he used to lead an elite force of seekers and rose to second in command. She was surprised to find that he used to be a leading scientist before the war had separated the cybertronians into factions. She raised and eyebrow, surprised that such a talented scientist with much work experience would become such a sniveling coward. She shook her head as she remembered that war changes things, even those with good sparks can be spurred to commit misdeeds and turn into creepy second in commands.

She sat down her datapad and began to mill over the information she had absorbed. She now knew Starscream not onlyhad a past for questing for power, and a deep knowledge with science, but for attempting to usurp Megatron as well. She began to think more and more about him and began to think of his actions and moods of the late, coupled with the snterprise of Airachnid, she had no doubt he would do something drastic. She began to think and decided to look up some information, she took the datapad and accessed some records on the nemesis and found the information she was looking for the digital recordings of past events on the accessed the days recordings and rewound to when Starscream entered the room as Airachnid spoke to Megatron. She watched as Starscream's insecurity was shown as he attempted to defend himself against Airachnid. He looked so pathetic as she watched she almost pitied him. She listened carefully, by his tone she knew that he had found nothing at the site, and she could tell Airachnid foolishly doubted him. Out of curiosity she looked up the information of the Harbringer and was surprised at what she found. Apparently the ship had been on earth for eons, shot down by a battalion of Autobots when their war raged on this planet. As she read the detailed description of its demise and realized the ship had been split in two, high in the air. She quickly did the mathematics and calculated the approxamate trajectory of the ships landing sites.

She hacked into Starscreams personal datacharts and found he indeed kept a note of its crash site, directly on target to hers but the other side was not listed. Thinking she looke dup logs about the ship and found the weapon known as the immoblizer was in the aft of the ship, near where theship wa sdocumented to have broken. She frowned and relooked at starscreams notes, if he had found the immoblizer he would have found the aft of the ship. According to his notes the side he had found contained the bridge, so it must have been its front, which meant the immobilizer would not be on site, making Airachnid-

She stiffened before relaxing, Starscream was clever, she knew Airachnid would not find anything and thus would lose favor in Megatrons eyes. Had Airachnid taken his word she would have been spared the dissapproval of Megatron, and the scheming mind of Starscream.

She smirked, admiring the cunning and resilience of the Decepticon commander, but only for a moment. She knew Airachnid would not take the news so positively and she knew she would attempt to force Starscream to reveal its location, which he no doubt knew of. Knowing his cowardice he would tell her, and she would likely bind him and leave him behind to ensure her own success

She straightened her posture and began to think further when an idea dawned on her. She relooked at Starscreams notes on the ship and noticed he had not activated the ships systems to keep its location hidden from Autobot scanners. She began to think more and she realized Airachnid would not know where the cargo was held, otherwise she would have been more specific. As she thought she realized that if Airachnid were to activate the ships systems the Autobots would no doubt be informed. If that was to happen she would abandon the ship to save he rown miserable shell. The Autobots would come together as a group, they would probably know of the ships contents and would investigate with caution. If that were to happen Starscream would be captured and taken prisoner. With his attitude lately she wondered if he might even consider prposing an allegiance change or even the coordinates to the Nemesis.

She felt a pang hit her gut at that idea and she had to force herself from curling up and growling at the idea, if that were to happen her plans wuld be ruined, everything she did would mean nothing. She began to think furiously, she tried to assure herself that Starscream would not risk losing his place beside Megatron by making a mistake such as revealing the Nemesis locations or frequencies. It was even less likely he would join the Autobots, not like they would accept him, she finally summarized it all came down to Airachnid activating that ship and allowing its signal to be detected by the Autobots. Quickly she took up her datapad and used the scanners onboard the Nemesis to see if there were any signals that belonged to the decepticon ship. She felt her emotions swell as she saw the silent pinging of the locator, signalling its location. She was silent for a moment before she began to think again, she did not have to see this as a negative, the chances of Starscream revealing the location of the Nemesis as minimal. The Autobots would not likely ask the question directly if they they were preoccupied with attempting to gain possession of the immobilizer.

As her tenseness began to fade she noted another positive and grinned as she decided to take advantage of it.

Knockout was reading from his checklist when he heard Myra call out to him.

"Knockout," she said,"Are you in the mood for a deal?" she purred.

Knockout turned from his monitor and cocked an optic ridge, suspicious.

"It depends, what kind of deal." He said cautiously.

She smirked and rolled onto her belly and began to swing her legs in the air, resting her chin on her knuckles, grinning at him slyly.

"Heres my bet, I bet that Starscream does not return to us for today and that Airachnid will get a lecture from Megatron." She said, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Knockout shifted his optic ridges and frowned, thinking for a moment before replying.

"I'm willing to bet, but what are the prizes?" he asked.

She grinned wider.

"If I win I get to go on your missions with you, but if I lose I will buffer and scrub your armor until the day I die." She purred.

Knockout was pleased at the outcome if he won, but he frowned at her end. He began to go into deep thought, he wondered if she had soemhow rigged this bet, and if she did win he would have to bring her on his missions. He had no doubt she could care for herself, but if Megatron found out he would be scrapped for sure.

"I will agree only if you are willing to ransport yourself there and back, I cannot risk Megatron finding out if you won." He said.

He did not doubt she would win but if she did, however unliekly it seemed, he wanted to be sure any negatives would be cancelled out.

"Fair enough." She mused, smirking.

He nodded before sneering.

"Prepare to lose, organic.."

"Likewise." She purred, holding out her hand and shaking his to sign the deal.

Myra sat on Knockouts shoulder, her expression was blank but inside she was swelling with joy and pride. Not only did she win the bet she had made with Knockout only hours before but she got to watch in personas Megatron berated Airachnid for losing Starscream. Of course she cheated, she had forseen this possibility, but it had not been a guarantee.

Knockout turned and left once Megatron dismissed Airachnid and he was silent for a moment as he walked down the halls to the repair ward.

"You swindled me."Knockout mused.

She smirked.

"Not swindle, I simply made an educated guess and offered you a bet." She purred.

He shook his helm in amusement.

"How did you know?" he asked, pure curiosity radiating from his voice.

She smirked.

"I got insight." She purred.

Myra crouched on a rock cliff nearby and watched as the Autobots fought the Decepticons, her eyes alight with glee. This was the first Mission Knockout had given to, Breakdown hadprotested at first but submitted when he saw it was pointless. She watched almost giddily as each faction fought like children for the cylinder that sat in the middle of the battle. She watched as the femme Arcee used agile movements to fight Breakdown, as the Scout fought another vehicon, and as Knockout fought with the Autbot leader himself, Optimus Prime. Her favored fight was the battle between Knockout and the Prime, she smirked as he was pummled by the Autobot leader then thrown away. She knew she would be the one making repairs later but she enjoyed watching him get the scrap beat out of him.

She sat, roosting like a carrion bird near the edge of the rocky cliff when she saw a ground bridge open. Out rushed the green wrecker, Bulkhead, and he took on Breakdown as Arcee fought a different bot. She watched intensely as they swung their weapons at eachother, attempting to pummel the other into submission. out of the corner of her eye she spotted something leap from the closing space bridge. She watched with and expressionless visage as a punkish looking girl leaped out and looked in awe at the battle happening in front of her before ducking to the side as a bot fell in her direction. Myra sniffed, unimpressed at the child, she knew the girl was Miko, the human companion of the one called Bulkhead. She no doubt followed him through with the intention of getting a view on the action and naivly believed she could help the Autobots.

Myra would have admired such bravery and affections the girl had towards her friends had she cared. All she cared about was the fact the girl was way too close to the cylinder, she would have interfered but it was not her place. Besides the girl could not move the cylinder, Myra had done her home work and she knew there was no way she could even budge that kind of weight.

Myra watched as the femme attempted to rush towards the cylinder, only to be knocked aside by Knockout, who rushed towards it in turn.

"Come to papa." he smirked, only to be knocked aside himself by Bulkhead.

"Run to mommy." he smirked, but Breakdown came up behind him and hold him by his head.

"Say Uncle...say it!", he toyed.

Myra smirked but her smirk turned to outrage as Miko made a dash to the cylinder, she watched with narrowed eyes as Miko pulled out a cellphone and seemed to speak to someone. Myra suspected but did not confirm it until a space bridge opened that the girl had called the medic. She sneered as the girls attempts to move the cylinder but was failing patheticly.

You pathetic little girl she mused only to stiffen as the girl kicked it, activating the Data cylinder and it began to glow, ready to release its contents. Myra looked around desperately for something that could contain the data that was about to be expelled. She locked her eyes on the bot closest to the cylinder, it was the Autobot bulkhead, she narrowed her eyes and concentrated.

"Miko?!" he said.

He was baffled before moving in her direction, but was suddenly knocked forward by a blow from Breakdown but he tripped over the dirt and fell, his faceplate perfectly aligned with the end of the cylinder. Within seconds a red beam propelled itself from the cylinder and absorbed itself into Bulkheads helm; Myra watched as Knockout grabbed the cylinder and smirked.

"You really took one for the team, Bulkhead, MY team." he sneered before turning and running with Breakdown into a space bridge and disappearing.

Myra watched as the Autobots helped their comrade through the space bridge before opening her own and landing in Knockouts lab.

Well, that was interesting.

She sat and waited for Knockout to enter, holding the data cylinder in his claws.

"Now to see what you contain." he sultered, looking the device over.

Myra watched for a moment, waiting for him to notice.

After a few minutes he frowned and used a scanner to scan the cylinder once then several more times.

"What is it? I'm dying to know what is in that." Breakdown pouted, sounding like an impatient child.

"I'ts empty." Knockout said, frowning.

"...It's what?" Breakdown said dumbly.

Myra rolled her eyes.

"It's empty, like the data is gone." she said, earning a glare from Breakdown.

She smiled innocently in his direction before hearing the door open and look as Megatron entered the room.

"What is the progress of the data cylinder?" he said.

Knockout and Breakdown looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Megatron.

Knockout sighed and stepped forward, bowing to show his respect before speaking.

"My liege, I am sorry to inform you that the data cylinder is empty."

he paused for a moment before stepping back to his place and standing straight.

"What do you mean it's empty?" he said, his tone darkening.

"My lord Megatron, these cylinders are not unlike batteries, the data is stored within them as a form of energy. It scanned fully charged, that's how we located it to begin with, but now..." he said, opening the cylinder and it sizzled im complaint.

Breakdown looked at Megatron with a simple look.

"Dead battery." he said bluntly.

Megatron gave him a cold look.

"Did you drop it you one-eyed oaf?" he growled.

Myra almost wanted to intervene, almost, but she wanted to see where this was going.

"No, master, I wasn't gonna touch the thing after it put the zap on Bulkhead." he said.

"Hey, you think..." Knockout asked, finally putting the rest of the puzzle together.

Myra rolled her eyes at his simplicity.

"I know, and I must find out what that vessel contained." he said, his tone becoming deeper as he spoke.

"When it comes to the secrets of the ancients, knowledge can be power." he sneered.

Myra lowered her chin, forming dark shadows around her visage, giving her an ominous look as she watched the conversation before her.

"I want you to scan for anything concerning the data's whereabouts, notify me when you find something." he said, turning and leaving Knockout and Breakdown with Myra.

Myra looked at Knockout, her chin still down, giving her ominous complection a more sinister tinge.

"Looks like you have work to do." she mused.

Knockout only grunted and turned to begin scanning with Breakdown, he did not notice as Myra smirked behind him, her eyes gave off a faint glow, highlighted by the darkness around her eyes.
looks like Myra has finally gotten the chance to see the Autobots, and she used her cunning once again to become a prophet, whoop de do. I had to rewatch several episodes multiple times to get this one right, sadly my memory of direct lines are rather lacking. as you can see Myra is showing abilities not capable of the average human, or any human, really. And s you see Myra has more than one reason to want to be aboard the Nemesis and join the war, wonder what it is? keep reading to find out ;)

I've decided to post descriptions on my stories and hopefully soon my own works, it seems so unprofessional and I wish professinalism in my works, now that I actually care about them ^^ enjoy this and please comment, I would like advice and/or opinions.

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